|The Chatterbox|

02/06/2002 Entry: "sanduba do Elvis"

Apesar de não ser uma consumidora frequente do produto, tenho que ter sempre um vidro de peanut butter na geladeira, para a eventualidade de dar uma vontade de comer o sanduiche favorito do Elvis Presley!

As receitas:

Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich
From The Presley Family Cookbook

3 tablespoons peanut butter
2 slices light bread
1 banana -- mashed
2 tablespoons margarine -- melted
Mix soft peanut butter and mashed banana together. Toast bread lightly. Spread peanut butter and mashed banana on toast. Place into melted margarine; brown on both sides.


Elvis's Favorite Peanut Butter Sandwich

2 white bread slices
2 Tbls. creamy peanut butter
1/2 banana - very ripe
2 Tbls. butter or margarine

-Spread 1 slice of bread with the peanut butter.
-Lay banana slices on peanut butter.
-Top with the other slice of bread.
-Melt margarine in a skillet over medium heat.
-Fry sandwich until golden brown on both sides.

NOTES : Elvis would eat this with a knife and fork. No wonder he got a bit PORTLY in his later years!


Minha versão do Sanduiche Favorito do Elvis

Espalhar peanut butter em duas fatias de pão branco de forma. Cortar uma banana em rodelas e colocar entre as fatias. Tostar o sanduiche fechado, numa frigideira ou aparelho de fazer sanduiche.

Devorar com direito a lamber os dedos!!




