|The Chatterbox|

03/21/2002 Entry: "quase....."

Quase aconteceu de novo.. Aqui pertinho, em Carmichael... é assustador!!

Armed student planned to die

A 13-year-old boy went to John Barrett Middle School in Carmichael on Wednesday morning planning to kill and expecting to die.

The eighth-grader, who officers said expressed frustration with authority, went to school with a backpack containing his father's .22-caliber pistol, 50 extra bullets and a final will in which he left his guitar to his mother.

Investigators later found a hit list of intended victims, but a massacre was narrowly avoided, officials said, when his first target, a teacher, eluded him a second before he intended pulled the trigger.


Investigators are still looking into what motivated his actions, said sheriff's spokesman James Lewis. He has no history of behavior problems, criminal history or problems at his school, Lewis said.

"He has said he is 'tired of authority' and tired of being told what to do," Lewis said. The boy complained specifically about science class, saying information on things like DNA was "useless" and he didn't see a reason to have to study it.

"I've never heard anything like it from someone so young," Lewis said. A search of the boy's room at home revealed more ammunition, two rifles and a list of things to do in preparation for a gunfight at school.




